ISO 45001 – asteptat in martie 2018

ISO 45001 – asteptat in martie 2018

Acest standard inlocuieste vechiul ISO OH&S 18001 si este asteptat sa apara in forma sa finala in luna martie a acestui an – detalii.


Modificarile semnificative fata de vechiul referential (citat ISO):

Key changes in ISO 45001

  • Business Context: Chapter 4.1, external and internal issues, introduces new clauses for systematic determination and monitoring of the business context.
  • Workers and other interested parties: Chapter 4.2 introduces enhanced focus on needs and expectations for workers and other interested parties and worker involvement. This to systematically identify and understand factors that need to be managed through the management system.
  • Risk and opportunity management: Described in chapters 6.1.1,, 6.1.4, companies are to determine, consider and, where necessary, take action to address any risks or opportunities that may impact (either positively or negatively) the ability of the management system to deliver its intended results, including enhanced health and safety at the workplace.
  • Leadership and management commitment: Stated in chapter 5.1, ISO 45001 has stronger emphasis on top management to actively engage and take accountability for the effectiveness of the management system.
  • Objectives and Performance: Strengthened focus on objectives as drivers for improvements (chapters 6.2.1,6.2.2) and performance evaluation (chapter 9.1.1).
  • Extended requirements related to:
    • Participation, consultation and participation of workers (5.4)
    • Communication (7.4): More prescriptive in respect of the “mechanics” of communication, including determination of what, when and how to communicate.
    • Procurement, including outsourced processes, and contractors (8.1.4)

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